jeudi 9 février 2023

FBlit 3.87

Voilà, toutes les fonctions sont terminées ! Pour une fois que je fini quelque chose !

Pour cette version donc :

  • QBSBlitPatch optimisé (38 octets supprimés)
  • OSTLPatch optimisé (46 octets supprimés)
  • RemIBobPatch optimisé (2 octets supprimés)
  • F_AreaEnd optimisé (30 octets supprimés)
Tout à l'air de bien fonctionner sous WinUAE, nécessite toutefois des tests approfondis : si vous voyez des glitchs graphiques, des ralentissements ou des freezes en utilisant cette dernière version 3.87, essayez alors la précédente version dans les même conditions et ainsi de suite jusqu'à la 3.79a (toutes sont incluses dans l'archive) pour enfin trouver la version fautive. Ensuite avec ces informations, je localiserai vite le soucis...
Comme d'habitude, tout est disponible ici...

15 commentaires:

  1. P96 must NOT be used, because FBlit is ONLY designed for OCS/ECS/AGA.

    P96 is ONLY for RTG graphics cards.

    So, you need to removed completely P96 from your WB installation.$

    Note : FBlit is only for Kickstart 3.0/3.1/3.9/3.X : Won't work on other Kickstart, it's clearly written in the .readme

  2. I know but if I replace fblit in classic wb 3.1 with this version. It causes a software failure.
    If I start it in OS 3.2 it also crashes.
    It's something with the new library,

  3. Even with the version 3.80 ?

  4. I tried FBlit 3.80 on a clean WB3.1 install (with Mulib), It works... sort of. If I start FBlitGUI it crashes. This is in WinUAE with 68020. I haven't tried it on my real amiga but I suspect the same thing will happen.

    I noticed if i leave out Workbench as Task in FBlitGUI it seems to work up to version 3.84. So it got to be something with having Workbench as included task. Version 3.85 and up doesn't work at all.

  5. Ok, I'll investigate...

  6. I installed BetterWB 4.3 and I get some crash... I'm looking for what is wrong...

  7. Old fblit 3.79a and new 8.83 library works together. So the first fault must be in fblit itself.
    I did this just as a test.

  8. Old fblit and new 8.87 library doesn't work no.

    1. Ok, so the new fblit.library 3.88 works with old fblit 3.79a.

      But if I use the FBlit 3.87 binaries with the 3.88 fblit.library doesn't work, it crashes (I have FBlit in startup-sequence). So it's still something weird going on with FBlit/FBlitGUI while the library itself seems ok now.

    2. Where have you placed the FBlit ? Just below the SetPatch ?

    3. Yes.. It's Best Classic WB's startup sequence


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