
dimanche 8 septembre 2013

Adaptateur 040/060 (III)

Il y avait un petit soucis dans l'exec.library des Kickstart 3.0 et 3.1 : Commodore n'a pas supporté le 060, ils s'étaient arrêté au 68040. L'astuce trouvée par les fabricants tierces de carte 68060 étaient d'ajouter quelques lignes de code pour désactiver la Fpu du 060 au démarrage, pour qu'enfin l'Amiga puisse booter en toute sérénité... L'activation de la Fpu se faisait alors plus tard...

Tous les accélérateurs 060 disponibles sur le marché avaient ces quelques lignes de code dans une eprom présente sur la carte. Certains constructeurs y avaient aussi rajouter par exemple des drivers Scsi...

Bref, il faut vraiment désactiver la Fpu au démarrage avec un 68060 et les Kickstart 3.0, 3.1 et même 3.9 ! L'auteur de cet adaptateur avait bricolé une carte Zorro 2 avec deux petites eproms contenant les fameuses lignes de code indispensables. Ici, j'ai préféré les inclures directos au tout début de l'exec.library, et j'ai flashé ce nouveau Kickstart spécial 060 dans deux puces à la place de mon Kick 3.1...

Les deux cartes utilisées pour tests sont une WarpEngine et une A3640 :

Aucun boot, rien. Testé avec les trois adaptateurs sur un 4000T, ça ne fonctionne pas ici... Me suis peut-être planté quelque part... Tout à l'air ok, pourtant...

Si vous avez réalisé cet adaptateur, merci de me contacter pour en discuter !

35 commentaires:

  1. salut,
    essai avec un autre cpu 68060
    un revision 1 par exemple

    spokegrat a parlé!

  2. This is what Georg Braun once suggested me do to have the '060 to behave like an '040

    dc.w $F4D8 ;CINVA.L
    move.w #$7FFF,$00DFF09A
    move.w #$7FFF,$00DFF09C
    move.w #$7FFF,$00DFF096
    dc.l $4E7A0808 ;MOVEC.L PCR,D0
    move.l d0,d1
    swap d1
    cmp.w #$0430,d1 ;teste auf MC68(LC,EC)060
    bne j_14
    dc.l $F2800000 ;FNOP
    move.l #$2,d0
    dc.l $4E7B0808 ;MOVEC.L D0,PCR -> FPU
    j_14: nop
    jmp (a5)

  3. Super interessante cette bidouille, esperons que tu trouves le bug rapidement :)

  4. Bonjour,

    Et pour une carte Fusion Forty 040 ?


  5. No, not working with this new 68060 init...

    When I plugg my 060 MK2, I boot well... So my special 060 Kickstart is ok.

    I checked the A3640 : working well when 040 back. I checked the 060 itself too, fully ok...

  6. So maybe the problem lies in the adaptor: with about 200+200=400 contacts, ond of them could well be bad without you notice it.

  7. Try a 680LC60 without FPU to boot without the code.

  8. No, the Fpu is not the issue... And I don't have any LC here...

  9. Bonjour les problèmes de mauvais contacts avec un tel empilement. Mais c'est un bel effort !

  10. The code to disable the fpu and cache seems correct: it's more or less the same as shown here

  11. Bonjour

    A few years ago my friend Frank Brana told me that 060 sockets sold on ebay were very bad quality, you use one as riser, perhaps it's caused by that? maybe you could try to use the same kind of pins used in the boards as riser instead of the low quality ebay one.

    I was planning building a few but my soldering skills are much worse than yours.

    Au revoir!

  12. Bonjour

    A few years ago my friend Frank Brana told me that 060 sockets sold on ebay were very bad quality, you use one as riser, perhaps it's caused by that? maybe you could try to use the same kind of pins used in the boards as riser instead of the low quality ebay one.

    I was planning building a few but my soldering skills are much worse than yours.

    Au revoir!

  13. My 060 sockets seems good...

    Maybe the 74F are faulty...

  14. Does the voltage regulator outputs the correct voltage and enough current ?
    If not, what about testing the board with a different combination of mainboard and PSU ?

  15. Ciao Attilio, posso tradurti in francese se hai bisogno !

    Bonjour Cosmos,
    superbe job, merci encore pour tes exploits !

  16. Pour le moment, l'assemblage de ces différentes couches fait un système trop épais pour servir sur d'autres cartes que des A3640 ou WarpEngine.
    Est ce possible de diminuer la hauteur du truc?

  17. To boot without any code you must use an EC060. Best is to make a small Zorro2 board with 2x27c256 and some logic to address it right.

  18. Again, the boot code is not the issue.

  19. Il est possible d'aplanir l'adaptateur oui, pourquoi pas...

  20. I found one issue : the resistor array (8 pins) give me only 4.7 kohms between the first pin and the second... All the other = no value...

    I purchased the wrong item : must be 7 resistors with one common...

  21. @Cosmos

    Nice finding! I hope your adapters come to life and you enjoy a 80Mhz WarpEngine soon :-) Do you think that using a 3.45v or 3.5v voltage regulator would help to make a 100Mhz WarpEngine possible?

  22. The three regulators are already 3.5v... And the 100 Mhz need another few hack...

  23. So, the 68060 basically works on the a3640 at 50 mhz?

  24. I don't know : I'm waiting for the new resistors...

  25. I hope the new resistors come quick, i cannot wait to see how it goes. By the way, it would be worth to experiment with speedgeek's hack that removes the two extra wait states from the a3640bus arbitration logic to see what s the overall gain (060 in place of 040 + bus overclock to let say 30 MHz + speed geek FSM) over a standard a3640@25 MHz :-)

  26. The new resistors arrived this morning : I checked one adapter, and still no boot with my WarpEngine...

  27. U had better luck with the a3640? Could it be that the wrong resitor pack damaged something on the adaptor?

  28. I sent back the A3640 to my friend...

    I checked the second adapter, and no boot too...

  29. I have a spare A3640 that I won't be using for a while: I can lend it to you if it helps.

  30. Thanks, but this adapter should works on my WarpEngine...

    I don't see where is my mistake...

  31. My two cents: have you checked that there are 3.3 V on pin 1 of the resistor pack RN 1 ? Looking at the schematics on, it seems to me that RN1 on the top board supposed to pull up IPL0-1-2, TRA, SNOOP, BTT and CLA to logical high.


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